Personal Information:

David DeShaun Reyes was born on 29 November 2006 in Manhattan, New York city, U.S. His professional name is DD Osama. DD Osama is an American Rapper.

How old is DD Osama?:

How old is DD Osama? answer is (He is 17 years old now).

Personal Life:

David DeShaun Reyes was born in Harlem, New York. Reyes is the third youngest brother of the six siblings.


Rapper and hip hop recording artist who is known for singles such as “without You,” “Dead Oppos,” and “40s N 9s”. His music video for the latter has gained over 10 million views on youtube. His popularity led to him amassing more than 1.5 million followers on his personal instagram account. His Real name is David Reyes.How old is DD Osama?

Before Fame:

DD Osama started rapping in 2021 and releasing music professionally in 2022. DD Osama was a Featured artist on the song “PARTY IN THE USA”, here you can check the account DD Osama 


DD Osama is a member of the Notti World Collective.DD Osama music video have been viewed more than 272 million times on his official Youtube Channel

Family Life:

DD Osama Collaborated on music with his brother Ethan Reyes, his professional name is Notti Osama. He passed away in July 2022.How old is DD Osama? DD Osama’s other brothers are Jayklickin and JStar Balla . He also has a sister named Melz. He is romantically link with the Alabama Barker

Who are the DD Osama Parents?

Mr Osama and Crimsley Martinez are the parents of DD Osama.

What is the DD Osama Religion?

The religion is Sunni Muslim.

DD Osama Net Worth:

YearNet Worth


He started rapping in July of 2022. His song “Back Flippin” has taken over 2 million streams on spotify. He posting the own music on his officialluhtyler TikTok account, where he has over 750,000 followers and 7 million likes.

You may read How old is Luh Tyler? | A Rappar

BioGraphy of Lul Tyler


November 2, 1971

Birth Place:

Tallahassee, FL

Birth Sign



18 Years old 

Usama Bin Safdar
Meet Usama Bin Safdar, a wordsmith hailing from Faisalabad, Pakistan. With over 5 years of experience under his belt, he's a master at weaving words to create content that's not only informative but also engaging. He's a deep-diver when it comes to SEO, and as the Founder of SoftwareBench, he helps businesses and individuals navigate the digital landscape with ease. Follow Usama for a journey into the world of SEO and digital marketing, where every word is crafted with precision and passion.

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